Hackathon for the insurance sector:Software solutions and business ideas

  • Security , Data , IT Innovations , Insurance
  • 14.02.2017 09:00 am

Allianz Deutschland AG, the global technology consultancy DataArt, the insurance analysts Franke und Bornberg and the strategy and management consultancy zeb are organizing a hackathon on March 24 – 25, 2017 for the insurance sector – the #_hackNEXT. The event will be held in Werk1 in Munich. Within 30 hours, interdisciplinary teams consisting of developers, programmers, designers and inventors will create new software solutions and business ideas. 

The teams will face three central challenges of the insurance sector:

Challenge 1: New customer experience 

Emotional, inspirational customer experiences and regular touch points are crucial for customers to become fans. Your challenge: how can insurance companies use digital solutions to generate customer experiences with real added value, thereby improving customers’ loyalty and readiness to recommend the product/service to others?

Challenge 2: Best agers – silver surfers 

No demographic group is growing as quickly as the generation of over 50 year-olds. Beyond traditional insurance solutions, interesting perspectives are opening up through smart homes, mobility, e-health and social networking and matching. Your challenge: how can insurance companies safeguard their position for this important and increasingly digital target group?

Challenge 3: Internet of things 

The Internet of Things (IoT) represents the next generation of the Internet. When the physical and virtual worlds melt, almost all objects will become intelligent and linked. This also assigns increasing importance to wearables. Your challenge: how can insurance companies use IoT-based business models and technologies to achieve an advantage for their customers?

Interested teams and start-ups can apply to participate for free in the #_hackNEXT hackathon at www.hacknext.de until March 5 at 10:00 PM. Information about the provided APIs, notes on scheduling, prizes and the rules for participation are also provided there. It is also possible to buy so called ‘Spy Tickets’ on the homepage for visitors who want to see the developed ideas and pitches on Saturday, March 25 2017.

It is Allianz’s, DataArt’s, Franke und Bornberg’s and zeb’s intention to establish the innovative hackathon format within the insurance sector. The event thrives in the dynamic interaction between participants of various backgrounds and expertise and from the exchange of participants with executives from the insurance sector.


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