Seasoned Credit Union Economist & Policy Expert Joins Nymbus Industry Advisory Board

  • Payments , Banking , People Moves
  • 19.05.2021 04:45 pm

NYMBUS®, a leading provider of banking technology solutions, today announced the appointment of Bill Hampel to its Industry Advisory Board, effective immediately.

Following a productive four-decade career as Chief Economist and Chief Policy Officer for the Credit Union National Association (CUNA) in Washington DC, Hampel is now a consultant specializing in explaining trends in the economy and financial institutions to business leaders. A relentless champion for the credit union movement, his contribution to the Nymbus Advisory Board team will help guide and introduce more institutions to leverage Nymbus’ unique GROW business model, which buys back decades of lost innovation time and quickly creates new digital revenue streams.

“The opportunity is now for credit unions to extend the success they have developed serving their existing communities into specific digital applications that meet the needs of new niche segments,” said Jeffery Kendall, Chairman and CEO of Nymbus. “As one of the industry’s most experienced and passionate credit union advocates, we are beyond excited to welcome Bill to our Advisory Board as we together help these institutions play to their strengths, innovate quickly and thrive.”

Hampel served as Interim President/CEO of CUNA from June to September 2014. He was one of the association’s longest tenured executives, and a senior member of CUNA’s advocacy team.

As part of his Industry Advisory Board role, Hampel will work closely with Nymbus CUSO President John Janclaes, a longtime associate and collaborator on credit union movement advocacy efforts. Nymbus CUSO was recently formed to specifically empower credit unions to break through barriers by quickly launching digital banking for niche member segments.

“Bill has worked fiercely throughout his career as a champion for credit unions to continuously advance and best serve their growing members,” said Janclaes. “He is a tremendous addition to the Nymbus team, as we collaboratively empower more institution owners and partners through progressive technology, people, processes and thinking.”

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