The European P2P Investor is Becoming More “Average”

  • Investment
  • 06.03.2024 09:15 am analysts studied how the platform's portfolio and investor portrait has evolved since 2017.

According to the research, the average age of active investors has changed from 29 to 37 over the last 7 years. "While previously P2P lending was more interesting for the young population, today alternative investors are becoming more and more similar to an average European in terms of age*. In general, this is a positive moment for alternative investment platforms, testifying to the age-democratic nature of such projects." - experts comment on the results.

More profitable investment projects are chosen mainly by older investors (from 70 years old). "This can be explained by the fact that, as Europeans age, they increasingly adhere to the classic investment theory – the higher the risk, the higher the return. On the other hand, younger people, more inclined to live 'here and now', are choosing investments with a quick payback but lower returns."

There is a direct correlation between the investment period and the investor's balance sheet. The longer people invest, the higher their balance and return. Looking at the main cluster of data, the bulk of investors are concentrated in the range of 200-1500 days in terms of investment period and have balances up to €25k.

"According to our previous assessments, competition in the continental European P2P lending market is decreasing, as is its concentration. This allows us to argue that the portrait of a typical investor, as well as its lifecycle, differs little from other similar platforms. We can assume that the results obtained are largely characteristic of the consumer segment of the European P2P market as a whole”. - summarize the analysts of the platform.

* - As reported by Eurostat, the median age of Europeans is 44.5 years.  


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