2nd Edition Sustainable and Responsible Investment

  • Investment
  • 04.10.2023 02:40 pm

Integrate a holistic approach for sustainable investing by learning the best approaches to impact investing and emerging markets, getting to grips with regulatory requirements, carrying out effective ESG analytics, and aligning with Net Zero targets

Sustainability and ESG have become highly significant issues during the last few years, with all asset managers, pension funds, and insurers being forced to engage with the challenges involved in this area. There is also a rise of interest in ESG investment in relation to emerging markets. This is added to existing issues around regulations, data, modelling, and portfolio integration and risk. It is critical for asset managers and asset owners to invest more effectively in the sustainability/ESG space so that they can not only increase their returns and meet regulatory and client demands, but also help to push forward their net zero goals.

The marcus evans 2nd Edition Sustainable and Responsible Investment conference taking place in London, UK on 20-22 November, 2023 will address the ongoing challenges for asset owners and asset managers in establishing effective sustainable and responsible investment strategies. In-depth panels and sessions led by expert practitioners in the field will examine how to integrate sustainability goals into investment, address EU taxonomy and regulations, develop effective scenario analysis, and push towards net zero by 2050. There will be a particular focus on how firms can engage with sustainable and impact investing in emerging markets, especially the APAC and MEA regions.

Attending This Premier marcus evans Conference Will Enable You to:

  • Investigate the extent to which systematic risk factors drive the performance of ESG investment strategies

  • Consolidate broader ESG factors within sustainable investments

  • Apply climate scenario analysis and modelling in a practical way throughout portfolios 

  • Promote the opportunities of investing within emerging markets 

  • Investigate the best case uses for effective social impact investing

  • Impact as distinct from ESG: Understand the differences between scoring and outcome

Best Practices and Case Studies from:

  • Jan-Carl Plagge, Head of ESG Research, Vanguard

  • Peter Mennie, Chief Sustainable Investment Officer, Public Markets, Manulife Investment Management

  • David Jessop, Head of Investment Risk, Columbia Threadneedle Investments

  • Bernhard Eikenberg, Head of Emerging Markets Strategy, Community Investment Management

  • Laurence Laplane-Rigal, Head of Social Impact Investing,  Amundi

  • Lisa Beauvilain, Global Head of Sustainability & Stewardship, Impax Asset Management

Financial IT members benefit from a special £200 discount!

For more information, please contact Ria Kiayia at riak@marcusevanscy.com, or visit https://bit.ly/3F2wIuD

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