Mollie Launches 1 Million Euro Acceleration Fund for Developers, Start-ups and Digital Agencies

  • Fundraising News , Payments
  • 02.12.2021 10:40 am

Payments platform spurs external innovation

Mollie, one of the fastest growing payment service providers in Europe, today launched a new 1 million Euro fund designed to drive the creation of new integrations and add-on products for its platform. The ‘Mollie Acceleration Fund’ will support developers, start-ups and digital agencies to realize bold and ambitious projects that help power the growth of Mollie’s 125,000+ e-commerce merchant customers.

The Mollie Acceleration Fund is open to developers, software companies and digital agencies from around the world. Mollie welcomes integrations with new SaaS solutions and add-on products that enhance Mollie’s offering via new tools, applications or third-party software.

“Mollie has demonstrated continuous commitment to investing in technology partnerships and integrations. We are seeing great traction from tech start-ups and scale-ups that want to build out their payments capabilities with Mollie,” said Ken Serdons, CCO, Mollie.For a company like Mollie the entire ecosystem of developers, start-ups and agencies is incredibly important - both to our success and the success of our customers. By working with these companies even more closely, and by financially recognizing their devotion to our platform, we will drive innovation that supports the growth of our merchants. These relationships will help us go beyond our existing plans for evolving our payments platform and launching financial services products, into areas neither we, nor our customers, can imagine today.”

Successful applicants will receive integration funding, access to Mollie’s 125,000+ customers, Mollie’s tools and market and customer insights. To apply, applicants should visit:

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