Equinix Connects Hibernia Express Sub-Sea Cable between New York and London

  • Data , Data Management , Infrastructure
  • 03.11.2015 12:00 am

 Equinix, Inc. (Nasdaq: EQIX), the global interconnection and data center company, today announced the new Hibernia Express Cable system which has the lowest latency route between New York and London, is now directly connects  the Equinix NY4 and LD4 data centers, providing unprecedented round-trip latency transmission of sub-58.95ms. 

Equinix's New York and London International Business Exchange (IBX®) data center campuses serve as carrier-neutral landing locations for Hibernia Networks  to connect its low latency subsea cable route. This new connectivity between New York and London allows for a direct fiber pathway under the Atlantic ocean, connecting the European and North American continents with the lowest latency, supporting the ultra-fast connectivity requirements of the financial exchange markets  between two of the world’s largest financial markets.

Highlights / Key Facts

·         Equinix’s flagship UK data centers were built to meet the escalating demand for interconnected global financial markets. As one of the UK’s fastest-growing data center campuses, available capacity was significantly expanded following the recent opening of the $79 million  London data center, LD6. Equinix’s London Slough campus has broad appeal as an electronic trading center, with a quarter of European equities trades originating at the site. The campus houses over 200+ financial services firms and provides Europe’s largest FX electronic trading ecosystem.

·         The Equinix Secaucus campus is home to the largest collection of multi-asset exchanges and trading platforms, top market data vendors, a myriad of service providers, and hundreds of buy-side and sell-side firms in the Americas. Roughly two-thirds of all electronic transactions in the Equities, Derivatives, and Foreign Exchange markets occur in the Equinix Secaucus campus, making it the single largest trading venue in the world. The Hibernia Express Cable will enable low latency trading and growth of the finance community between both locations.

·         The Hibernia Express Cable is the first new generation transatlantic cable system deployed in over 12 years, allowing for faster and more secure network connectivity solutions. Hibernia Express represents a new industry standard in low latency, high capacity services, connecting the major financial and commercial centers in North America and Europe.


·         The Hibernia Express Cable is optimized for speed and latency performance. The ultra-low latency fiber pair on the cable system is designed with Corning EX2000 pure silica core fiber to achieve the sub-58.95ms transatlantic latency. Hibernia Express utilizes the most advanced DWDM technology, enabling 100Gbps service with 200Gbps service available on the Dublin to London route. The system is potentially upgradable to 400Gbps and beyond, offering a future-proofed optical transport solution.


·         Joe Hilt, senior vice president, North American Sales, Hibernia Networks:

“Hibernia Express is the first new generation transatlantic cable system, reducing latency by more than five milliseconds and providing three times the capacity of existing cables. Hibernia Express has been engineered to meet customer demand for fast, high capacity international connectivity solutions to enable split-second financial transactions and efficient access to media rich content and cloud applications.”

·         Jim Poole, vice president, Global Service Providers, Equinix:

“Equinix remains committed to providing fast, secure and interconnected routes between the world’s most significant financial centers. This new transatlantic connectivity gives Equinix customers further opportunities to driving business advantage in today’s global economy.”

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