Investing in the Automation Revolution

  • Data Management , Infrastructure
  • 04.09.2019 12:36 pm

AutoRek are excited to reveal that they have recently partnered with Worldwide Business Research (WBR) to create an industry report focusing on the trends and insights of automation and data management within the financial services sector.

100 individuals within the operations, IT, business change, finance and data management business functions were surveyed in order to get an insight into their thoughts on automation and how it will affect the financial services industry in 5-10 years’ time and how firms are embracing the data revolution.

Key findings of the report include:

  • The majority of respondents are currently implementing blockchain, semantic data management, machine learning and automation, while only 39% currently utilise AI.
  • Respondents predicted that AI would have the most impact on product development and innovation.
  • 46% of respondents are actively seeking new technologies to assist data governance.

AutoRek will be launching the ‘Investing in the Automation Revolution’ report at Sibos London between 23rd – 26th September. Make sure to pop by the AutoRek stand to pick up your copy of the report and gain an understanding into the automation revolution.

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