OpenLink Launches the First Comprehensive Trading Treasury and Risk Cloud Platform

  • Cloud
  • 16.05.2017 10:00 am

Today, OpenLink launched OpenLink Cloud, the world’s first and most comprehensive enterprise Cloud platform for trading and risk management.

  • Financial Services firms face typical end of period transaction volume peaks - OpenLink’s scalable Cloud solution allows them to pay for what they use, when they need it, and no more.
  • Many financial services firms are struggling to support multiple disparate systems that aren’t all compliant with expanding regulatory requirements around the globe. OpenLink Cloud solution help firms to rationalize their solution portfolio and stay compliant across all asset classes.
  • Investment managers are highly cost conscious and high license fees are antithetical to positive EBITDA outcomes. OpenLink’s subscription-based Cloud service helps them save on both their operating and IT budgets.
  • Financial institutions are joining the Cloud bandwagon at a fast pace, enjoying the benefits of a secure, fully managed and scalable platform like OpenLink’s derivative risk management and hedge accounting solution.

From conversations with firms as we developed this project, this has the potential to genuinely transform the way many organisations do business. If you’d like to know more, we would be happy to answer any questions or arrange an interview with Scott Rompala, Senior Vice President, Cloud Solutions.

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