Sber Named World's Strongest Banking Brand And Russia's Most Valuable Brand

  • Banking
  • 05.08.2021 11:45 am

Sber named world’s strongest banking brand and – for the fifth year running – Russia’s most valuable brand

With a brand value of RUB 730.6 bn and AAA+ rating, Sber has been recognized as Russia’s most valuable brand for the fifth year running in the latest Brand Finance Russia 50 2021 report. According to Brand Finance, Sber is worth more than all brands ranked 26th to 50th in this year’s league table put together. In addition to measuring brand value, Brand Finance also determines the relative strength of brands through a balanced scorecard of metrics evaluating marketing investment, stakeholder equity, and business performance. According to these criteria, Sber has increased in brand strength year-on-year to reclaim the titles of the strongest brand in Russia as well as the world’s strongest banking brand, and to become the third strongest brand in the world across all sectors in the Brand Finance Global 500 2021 ranking. With a Brand Strength Index (BSI) score of 92.0 out of 100 and the coveted AAA+ brand strength rating, Sber ranks only behind the iconic Ferrari and China’s WeChat. According to Brand Finance, Sber commands very high levels of customer loyalty, which can only be boosted by its recent rebranding into an ecosystem brand. In Brand Finance’s Global Brand Equity Monitor, Sber posts top market research results for reputation and brand awareness – it is widely known, always top-of-mind, and well-regarded. Its ubiquitous presence and – in consumers’ eyes – by far the best digital offering ensure high availability, which are strong foundations for brand strength. Sber brand is an asset which allows us to develop new services and products for our ecosystem. The brand ensures they are reliable and advanced – the qualities our clients value. Brand investment contributes to a rapid growth of our new businesses, and we are happy to retain leadership as the strongest and most valuable brand both in Russia and globally. Vladislav Kreynin Senior Vice President, Director of the Marketing and Communications

Department, Sberbank

Sber’s innovative and committed approach to its brand can be an example to all Russian companies. Despite being an undisputed market leader, Sber is not afraid to put itself in the position of a challenger and pioneer completely novel strategies. Its brand audacity helps it power through tough times, anticipate market disruption, and – ultimately – consolidate its dominance further.

Richard Haigh
Managing Director, Brand Finance
Brand Finance is the world’s leading brand valuation consultancy with offices in over 20 countries. Bridging the gap between marketing and finance, Brand Finance evaluates the strength of brands and quantifies their financial value to help organizations of all kinds make strategic decisions. Drawing on expertise in strategy, branding, market research, visual identity, finance, tax and intellectual property, Brand Finance helps brand owners and investors make the right decisions to maximize brand and business value.

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