ICSFS Products: ICS BANKS Notification System ICSFS:01400028123

  • Banking , Infrastructure
  • 29.10.2018 07:27 am

ICS BANKS Notification System is created to provide the bank with a notification mechanism where certain messages or advertisements will be displayed for certain customers, once their accounts or customer number are keyed in the system, in order to be addressed in a proper way.

For example, if a customer is entitled for a new credit card, the bank can add a specific notification where the notification will be displayed once his customer/ account number is entered by the teller on the screens of certain functions (Cash, Cheque deposit, inquiries).

The bank can perform specific/bulk notifications or define special notifications that are displayed for the teller once the accounts or customer number are keyed in the system.

With the systems’ flexible parameters, the bank can personalise the notifications to specific customers according to specific conditions, and create automatic notifications according to its customers’ needs.

The system provides the bank with the facility to activate or deactivate specific notifications concerning a customer or an account. The system provides also the bank with the facility to activate or deactivate email and SMS services for each defined notification.

By deploying this system, the bank will build customer centricity and receive higher customer satisfaction.

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