Our New Salesforce Integration Makes It Easier to Automate Identity Verification to Remotely Onboard Customers

  • Artificial Intelligence , Digital Identity , Data
  • 02.12.2021 09:10 am

Today, we’ve announced a new version of our AI-powered identity verification solution for Salesforce AppExchange, empowering Salesforce customers in financial services, insurance, healthcare, gambling, sharing economy and transportation to easily integrate remote identity verification as part of their user onboarding.  Onfido’s new connector for AppExchange allows companies to onboard customers faster and more efficiently with the ability to leverage Salesforce’s Digital Process Automation to automatically apply intelligent, rules-based logic to identity verification results. For example, a bank can auto-trigger an identity check for an account applicant to elevate the level of trust of the new account opener without them ever needing to step foot into a branch.  

Companies using any of Salesforce’s cloud environments for customer relationship management (CRM) can now simply drag-and-drop Onfido’s IDV where it is needed and view results within the platform. By adding identity checks into Salesforce, organizations can refine their identity policies and streamline workflow processes to appropriately manage a new customer leveraging results from both Onfido and other AppExchange apps. 

One company using Onfido to great effect as part of a multi-automation AppExchange process is the UK’s leading restaurant delivery service Deliveroo, which has reduced the number of clicks needed to onboard a restaurant by 30%. Deliveroo has established approximately a dozen integrations with AppExchange solutions to make its commercial processes as seamless as possible and has used Onfido to carry out over 25,000 identity checks on restaurant owners, to drive speed and velocity.

The significant growth in the adoption of digital services throughout the pandemic has increased customers’ confidence in accessing online services. A recent survey from Onfido revealed that more than half of consumers feel more comfortable online than before the pandemic, leading them to ditch shops and in-branch visits in favor of digital convenience. This shift in consumer preference has created urgency for businesses to scale up their digital onboarding capabilities  while ensuring a seamless customer experience that increases conversion rates and mitigates fraud.

With a 41% increase in identity fraud year-over-year and more first-time fraudsters appearing since the start of the pandemic, it is essential for companies to know that they are signing up legitimate customers. A recent Forrester study examined the total economic impact of Onfido, showing that a composite organization experiences benefits of up to 261% ROI and a net present value (NPV) of $9.86M, paying itself off in less than 6 months, when they implement Onfido.


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