• Artificial Intelligence
  • 23.01.2018 10:57 am

Piccadilly Group has launched NEURO, an AI business platform that will eradicate the need for one in four management consultants, saving businesses approximately $ globally. Neuro can provide in real time, through simple voice command, better project insights than a typical team of highly paid consultants in a fraction of the time, and free of any managerial bias. Furthermore, using its machine learning capability NEURO can accurately predict problems before they occur or were even contemplated by a whole team of consultants.

NEURO will widen the impact of AI on the labour market from manufacturing and process driven manual labour roles, to those in management. NEURO can provide real time managerial analysis, like defect reporting and status updates, without the politics and excuses humans make, and at a significantly lower cost. CEO’s can literally speak to Neuro to get an update, at the precise moment they want it, without anybody having to leave the room to pull together a report. 

NEURO was developed by the Piccadilly Group, themselves management consultants trusted by Allianz, Barclays, Bank of Ireland and RBS, who have worked over the past three years to develop an AI capability with the express purpose of putting themselves out of business.

Dan Hooper, Managing Director and Co-Founder of Piccadilly Group:

“Our AI will do for management what Sat Nav did for navigation. Business leaders, are on the cusp of a major disruption in their sources of advice and information moving the role of middle management from analysis to judgement”

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