How payments with redirection affect your business?
You’ve had payments with redirection on your website for a few years and think there’s no better...
Thomas in Blockland
Thomas the crossing network wasn’t happy. For years he had enjoyed helping his friends buy and sell...
web 5.0, the 2030s and Samantha
There’s a line in the 2013 film Her, it’s not just an operating system, it’s a consciousness....
Multi-currency acceptance: Why it can skyrocket your business?
Global adoption creates opportunities for businesses that include reaching new customers...
Invisible PFM Will Transform Banking As You Know It
Personal Financial Management (PFM) has evolved greatly since its birth in the early eighties...
Web 4.0, the 2020s and the Internet of Things
We are already entering the fourth-generation internet, the internet of things, but it won’t really take...
Web 3.0, the 2010s and an Internet of Markets
Now we move onto the third-generation internet, web 3.0. What is web 3.0? It’s not been well...
What’s Next for Networks?
There is no question about it, data has become an integral part of our daily lives. The ability to...
5 steps to secure your multi-cloud environments
Security management in multi-clouds might feel like an imposing prospect to many of us. Indeed, it is...
How Banks Can Overcome the Challenge of Innovation
The banking industry is evolving, and financial institutions are under pressure to adapt to remain...