How Instant Cross-Border Payments Can Drive Financial Inclusion for the Greater Good
Around the world, there is perhaps no greater good FinTechs can offer the financial community other than...
Security and Privacy Issues Must Be Addressed by Mastercard
Whilst convenient, very few people realise the potential flaws behind the use of biometric fingerprint...
Digital Onboarding: No Pain, All Gain
Booking a hotel online? A couple of minutes. Buying an intercontinental flight online? A few minutes...
Legacy of Shadow Technology Threatens Vision of Secure Financial Industry
- 7 years 10 months ago 08:00 am
- Colin Dean, Account Manager, EMEA insurance and financial services at Hyland, creator of OnBase
At a time when regulators and investors are demanding that financial institutions focus more attention...
Brian Lord Obe Comments On Government Cyber Report
A ‘cyber mythology’ has been created by the industry to sell unnecessarily expensive solutions through...
Digital start-ups — the Fast Lane to Digitalization
New business models are revolutionizing the financial services sector. To stay in the competition,...
It’s Not About Millennials
As of 2015, the generation known as ‘millennials’ – those born between 1981 and 2005 - is the largest...
Arguing With a Banker …
A banker and I were talking about the function of a bank. He gave me the classic view:“A...
Is Lego Building The New Way of Creating Applications in the Financial Services Sector?
New way of building applications in the Financial Services sector: instead of really...
Banking on the Next Big Thing: Chatbots
Recently, the banking industry has been buzzing about chatbots, or more technically: conversational...