How I.T. will Transform E-commerce in 10 Years
The process of buying and selling goods and services has evolved significantly in the last decade or so...
How Choice Of Tech Stack Can Give You A Competitive Advantage
Reliability in financial systems and ergo financial products and apps is essential to deliver the user...
Large-scale Banks Tiptoe Towards Cloud-based Future
Financial institutions commonly face a range of IT-related challenges. These range from an ever-changing...
UK PSR to Review Rising Card Fees - Comments from Brian Hanrahan, CEO Nuapay
Last week’s news that the Payment Systems Regulator (PSR) plans to review rising card fees from the...
How are "Plug and Play" Providers Transforming Banking?
The financial services ecosystem is currently witnessing a spate of disruptions brought on by modern...
Alternative Data as the Pulse of the Momentum Effect
The momentum effect is the tendency for stocks to show persistence in performance. In simple terms, a...
Cybercrime is Spiking and Security Skills are Scarce: How to Weather the Approaching Perfect Storm
The world generates an estimated 2.5 quintillion bytes of data every day. Amidst this mind-boggling...
Going Cashless – it’s Time for SMEs and Entrepreneurs to Play Their Cards Right
Consumers are becoming less inclined to carry cash, for both personal safety reasons and simple...
How Detecting and Preventing Payment Fraud Can Benefit Your Business
Our world is becoming more and more digital every day. People spend more time online utilizing it for...
How Financial Organisations Can Plan to Overcome Business Continuity Challenges
Financial Organisations take a lot of calculated risks. Pros and cons are weighed up, and choices are...