PSD2: A huge hidden revenue opportunity for banks
There is a widely-held belief in the banking industry that PSD2 access to accounts (XS2A) has to be...
Big Data in the Upstream Sector
- 7 years 9 months ago 09:00 am
- Grant Eggleton, Vice President, Global Production Solutions at P2 Energy Solutions
It’s not the data itself, but the ability to put it towards some useful task that matters. In the...
Is Your Corporate Identity Becoming Someone Else’s Product?
Your online activity is of great interest to many people. From your social media posts to your online...
GDPR and Cyber Security: the Elephant Herd in the Room
As the UK will still be part of the European Union (EU), General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will...
Overhauling a Work Environment Into the Digital Era
I've discussed before how today's office spaces need to evolve in order to meet the demands of the new...
Frictionless Finance with FinTech
Larry Summers, former director of the National Economic Council for President Barack Obama, writes a...
10 Ways You’re Being Financially Irresponsible
We all want to be financially responsible. However, for many people, dealing with finances is a chore...
The Evolving Relationship Between the CIO and CFO: How Is This Affecting the Boardroom?
The number of C-level job titles in the boardroom seems to be growing more and more each year, with...
Right to Be Forgotten – What's All the Fuss About?
The upcoming EU Data Protection Regulation, GDPR, includes the end customer's right to be forgotten...
Website Compliance Requirements: Steps to a Smooth Process
Running an online business and selling products or services online comes with some inevitable...