As conversation is a more natural interface than websites, enterprise applications and mobile apps, it...
Lego Bank is Here, but It’s not Built with Lego
A short time ago, I hosted an interesting group for the Nordic Finance Innovation meetings. The...
The Buy Side Delves into Mobile Data
As hedge funds and quantitative asset managers hunt for unique sources of alpha, Wall Street’s attention...
Comment: Credit Card Providers Targeting Vulnerable Customers
- 7 years 6 months ago 04:00 am
- Simon Cadbury, Head of strategy and innovation at leading financial technology at Intelligent Environments
Today’s findings from the Citizen’s Advice Bureau – that credit card companies are targeting customers...
Mobile Banking is Shifting Gears with PDS2
Mobile devices are the backbone of digital transformation, enabling new innovations such as smart cities...
How Blockchain Will Impact Insurance in 2017 and Beyond
The global insurance industry is on the cusp of a technological revolution that will change how...
When it Comes to Swiss Banking, Size Doesn’t Matter
Investec Switzerland, a Swiss wealth management bank and subsidiary of the international Investec Bank,...
Reducing Reputational Risk in Trading Systems: Prevention is Better than Cure
It took just 30 minutes for Knight Capital to lose a staggering $440 million because of glitches in...
The Future of Client Onboarding
- 7 years 6 months ago 09:00 am
- Tayo Abinusawa , Strategy & Transformation Consultant at Accelerate Digital
Many of the largest financial institutions (banks, wealth and asset managers, insurance firms) in the...
Using BPM to Accelerate Blockchain Application Development in the Financial Services Industry
Since bursting into general awareness through bitcoin, the technology called blockchain has extended its...