When blockchain meets real estate
Nowadays blockchain and cryptocurrencies are all over the place. Even mainstream personalities such as...
Inside The Federated Ledger: The Blockchain Technology Driving Instant Payments
At the beginning of the year, we made a bold announcement declaring 2017 as the year of instant payments...
Using Fingerprints to Bank the Unbanked
Our identity proves more than just who we are – it is also our key to obtain access to financial...
The Shape of Block Liquidity
Now we are all back from summer hols it seems like everyone is getting ready for the final push that...
10th Anniversary of Contactless Payments
The share of contactless payments will more than triple in the next five years to almost eradicate cash...
Using Technology to Drive Private Equity Performance Management
Over the last few years, we’ve seen regulatory changes and market volatility impact the business models...
Instant Collaboration Enables Equiom to Expand Globally in the Fast-growing Financial Services Sector
Making communication as efficient as possible and facilitating collaboration is challenging enough in a...
3D Secure 2.0: What it means to Card Issuers
- 7 years 6 months ago 09:00 am
- Sadra Boutorabi, Frictionless Fraud Prevention for the Enterprise at GPayments
The Importance of Fraud Protection: What is 3D Secure? eCommerce fraud negatively impacts...
Has the cut in banking jobs created a surge in tech applications?
Since the Brexit vote last year there has been much discussion on what impact the vote may have on the...
So That’s Nice and Clear…
According to a few reports I read this week we should all be thankful to the European Commission for...