Responsible Lending: the Broker Balancing Act
The general public can be incredibly suspicious, especially when it comes to the sales environment in...
Erasing Personal Data Is the Right of Every Digital Citizen
Today, one of the key issues for every organisation is the exponential growth of data. It is an obvious...
Reflecting on Forrester Fintech Predictions for 2017: Part 1
- 8 years 1 month ago 06:00 am
- Xavier Marcillac, VP Sales APAC at Strands | Powering Fintech Innovation
A new year brings new opportunities for banks facing digital challenges and building...
B2B2C off!
So I’m in a conference that’s talking all the time about B2B2C models. I guess that’s because...
The Shift Back to Active
Active Investment Management is under pressure: from fees to fund managers being wrong footed by the...
European Mobility: Vision Required
Employees are demanding a different experience and require new ways of working. At the centre of this...
TEE + HCE – The Ideal Solution for Mobile Payments?
The world of mobile payments is not unlike the political systems we see in many countries around the...
Countering Card Fraud: Is Chip & Pin Technology Enough?
EuroPay, MasterCard and Visa (EMV) is a technical standard developed to ensure...
Storm the Ramparts: Making the CMA’s Open Banking Revolution a Victory for Customer Experience in Three Steps
The sound of a starting gun is reverberating around the banking industry following the Competition and...
The AML conundrum solved?
I outlined yesterday the fact that 98% of money laundering goes unchecked, allowing $1.6 trillion a...