Government Must Not Just Put Large Corporation's Interests at the Heart of Brexit Negotiations
The triggering of Article 50 is a decision that the UK’s micro-business owners will have great concerns...
Digital Banking? The Jury’s Still Out in Japan
The Japanese culture is a combination of traditional and modern like few others. When you think of Japan...
As Stores Die, Startups Prosper
We talk a lot about bank branch closures and, to be sure, there are a lot bank branch closures. ...
Article 50:SMEs Keep Calm and Carry On
Though it may prompt some UK SMES to start thinking about the implications of Brexit on their business,...
London: Still the #1 Global Financial Centre
Today Z/Yen, a London-based research and consultancy firm, publishes the twenty-first Global...
RegTech-Ready (Steady, Go): A Guide To RegTech for Beginners.
RegTech – a buzzword used commonly over the last year in FinTech and Finance - but what is it, who is it...
Tomorrow's New Pound Coin Release - Is It a Waste of Money?
This month the Royal Mint is undertaking its potential last flip of the coin by introducing an updated £...
PSD2 – Opening the Gates to Pay By Mobile
The implementation of the Second Payment Services Directive (PSD2) early next year is set to have a far-...
How Alternative Finance of SMEs May Fuel Up Growth
The British Bankers’ Association (BBA) has recently released new statistics on high street banking...
Is the regulatory WORM turning?
A week before President Trump’s inauguration the CFTC approved a proposal to amend the record...