"Here I Go Again:" How Platform Companies are Transforming International Trade Finance
Transformation is the politically correct term for revolution. Disruption is overused and tiresome. It...
‘How’ not ‘if’ – legacy and platform convergence
This isn’t a ‘should it, shouldn’t it’ question. For pensions, savings and investment businesses, the...
Best ex transparency moves to the next level
The draft technical standards for MiFID II require exchanges to publish quarterly execution...
Bank of Mauritius’ ADF-XBRL Initiative: Moving Forward at an Impressive Pace.
Bank of Mauritius’ ambitious ADF-XBRL project has started progressing at a rapid clip with Phase 3...
"Here I Go Again:" Foreign Exchange and Economic Development
Mao said it best; "When you point your finger at the moon, the fool sees your finger, the wise man sees...
Does anyone really think banks aren't aware of the Fintech challenge?
I find it interesting that so many bloggers on Fintech deride the banks for being slow, clueless or...
Fintech 2.0 – rebooting financial services
After struggling to gain traction, fintechs are now capturing a growing market share across financial...
The three reasons banks fail to embrace digital effectively
I’ve been presenting the theme around what banks have to do to become digital for a while now, and...
Global Competitiveness: Financing Innovation in the U.S. and China
There is a vigorous debate about innovation in China and U.S.-China competitiveness. It is widely held...
Unbundling versus Best Ex
So, the September date looms for ESMA’s final clarification on unbundling. What seems evident is that...