Technological Mercantilism
Mercantilism is economic nationalism for the purpose of building a wealthy and powerful state. Adam...
Trade Promotion: A Modern Form of Mercantilism?
Trade Promotion has advanced technologically. WhatsApp, Alibaba, M-Pesa and M-Kopa, Amazon, e-Bay,...
Black Friday: Should we be worried about our transactions?
The Black Friday and Cyber Monday weekend marks one of the busiest shopping periods in the UK. The...
Super Funds Move Investment Management In-house
In a superannuation landscape where downward pressure on fees is a constant challenge, an increasing...
Is Free Enterprise Freer in China? The Economic Transformation of the Caterpillar
TXF Magazine and Insurance Times announced the following: AIG and PrimeRevenue boost mid-...
The train on platform MiFID 2 is delayed by one year
Not surprising to see that it now looks odds-on that we’ll get a full one year delay on the...
BCBS 239, the failure of utilities and let’s imprison the chief compliance officer.
Three reports have been at the front of my mind this week. The first report being BCBS 239 which...
Why are Fintech start-ups avoiding the core of banking?
In that same dialogue about when banks should act to block, buy or beat new competition, I realised...
Transparent technology: How machine learning brings magic to next-generation PFM
Personal Financial Management (PFM) tools have become a very convenient solution for individuals...
Can’t see the wood for the regulatory trees?
When you are immersed in an industry it’s sometimes difficult to see how it’s really changing. Global...