Hackcoin Hong Kong
Have you seen the latest from Tesla? They are making batteries now. Batteries + solar power should save...
Accounting isn’t just about numbers anymore
Finance managers face increased responsibilities around business guidance and growth. Robynne Sisco,...
Why Banks can learn from William the conqueror
As every school boy knows 1066 was the year that the battle of Hastings prelude William the conqueror as...
Digital Banking Transformation: A How To Guide
The next 20 years will see the world go from 20,000 “analog” banks to no more than several...
Flagging on the road to transparency
With its aim of increasing transparency around execution quality, under the current draft...
Surviving the UK's pension revolution
The D-day for UK pensions has arrived. On April 6th 2015, alongside the usual scramble to capture...
Keeping up with the exchanges – the ETD challenge
Trading volumes in exchange-traded derivatives (ETDs) continue to rise (up 30% from pre-crash volumes)....
Bank Fintech worries are obvious ... solutions are not as clear
I just finished presenting on Digital Bank strategies and Fintech, and was asked a wide range of...
Backdoor Unbundling
I was relaxing on my way home on the 7.02 from Waterloo last night when I came across Nick Goodway’s...
Navigating through the RBI’s Risk Based Supervision Regulation: Challenges and Remedies for Indian banks
The current Risk Based Supervision (RBS) wave in India appears to be rapidly gaining momentum. With the...