‘No Card Payment Possible’ – What Germany’s Recent Payment Outage Means for Businesses Across the World
Germany’s slow progress towards using cards over cash was dealt another blow in recent weeks as...
How Automated Payee Onboarding Can Catapult Your Business into the Digital Age, Enhance Cybersecurity and Boost Your Bottom Line
The digital race is on and businesses that fail to up their game in terms of digitisation and automation...
The Human Element of Open Banking in the EU
Driven by two complementary, powerful forces - innovation and regulation - open banking is proving to be...
Clients Step Up Short Positions As Markets Remain Volatile
According to data from the global investment trading platform, Capital.com, 38% of trades placed by...
Financial Services and the Post-quantum Migration – What You Need to Know
Applying emerging quantum technology to challenges across the financial services industry is viewed by...
Augmenting Human Intelligence with Robotic Desktop Automation
Most organisations today are aware that automation is a key component of a successful digital...
GDPR: Data Security Four Years On
If you work with data in any shape or form, you should be familiar with GDPR: the General Data...
Businesses Cannot Rely on Surface-level Fixes for Their Cybersecurity
In mid-March, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) released a report highlighting...
Payments Systems Regulator Announces Card Fee Reviews
The UK’s Payments Systems Regulator (PSR) yesterday announced plans to carry out two market reviews...
Tink Comment: 6 Million UK Open Banking Users Announcement
The UK has officially reached the milestone of 6 million open banking users, with the Open Banking...