Options Market Structure: Fragmented Reality
Some experts are debating whether the complexity of the listed U.S. options market structure is hurting...
How Will Roboadvisors Evolve Over Time?
The advent of the roboadvisor has thrown the financial industry for a loop. Initially feared by...
The End of the “It’ll Never Happen to Me” Mentality
Take security seriously The end is nigh. More and more data breaches are happening each day and more...
Cloud Encryption: Bring Your Own Key Is No Longer Enough
Trust’ can be both a terrific enabler and a severe inhibitor in cloud services adoption. Keen to benefit...
The Challenge of Being a Challenger Bank
I recently met a start-up bank. They were depressed. Having submitted their third proposal...
WannaCry – What Was Old is New Again
Last Friday, the world saw an outbreak of one of the most extensive malware breaches in a while. This...
British Firms Must Wake Up to The New York DFS Cybersecurity Regulations
One in five large businesses have fallen victim to cyber attacks in the past year, according to the...
Women & Financial Inclusion: The STEM of the Issue
Fact: Women entrepreneurs are good for the economy. A study by MSCI, stated that companies...
The far Reaches of Reporting
Trade and transaction reporting rules under MiFID and EMIR can easily be confused, even though they have...
The Eurovision of GDPR – Douze Points or a Disappointing No-show?
The Eurovision Song Contest brings people together for a week of music and fun. Another huge European...