CLS Welcomes Promotion of PvP Settlement in FSA’s 2016-2017 Strategic Directions and Priorities
With the heightened focus on regulation, growing cross-border investment and reducing securities trade...
A Brave New World: the Need for Innovation in B2B Payments
Simplicity and flexibility. In the many conversations our teams have with corporate treasurers...
Addressing Basel III Challenges Through Fintech
The banking industry has seen fundamental changes in the past ten years as a result of the Global...
Financial Services Organisations Must Get Their Analytical Insights Out to the Field
Business intelligence is often considered an executive level activity, but for financial services...
Payment Trends in 2017: Fighting Fraud Using Machines
Machine learning can be used in many ways today and scientists are just limited by their...
If the Internet Giants Are the Competition, Are Banks Ready to Compete?
Mid-way through #money2020 and in my fourth back-to-back chat about Fintech and leadership and core...
London Now FinTech Capital of EU, But Brexit Changes Everything
The deregulation of UK financial markets, thanks to the ‘Big Bang’ 30 years ago, was a momentous...
Customer Confidence in Banking – Tips on Using Big Data Analytics to Rebuild It
The world’s financial infrastructure is collapsing. So they say. It’s a theme that is oft-repeated....
Making Tax Digital: Is Your Business at Risk of Being Penalized?
Small business owners might not be aware but Making Tax Digital is going to mean that they have to keep...
Who Owns Cybersecurity at Hedge Funds?
US based hedge funds are finding themselves under more scrutiny with regards to increasing regulatory...