The Internet of Things will Deliver Insights Finance Pros Have Never Seen Before
The internet of things (IoT) is set to change the working lives of huge numbers of finance professionals...
How Personal Experience Will Shape the Future of Banking
- 2 years 2 months ago 02:00 am
- Rajashekara Visweswara Maiya, VP, Global Head – Business Consulting at Infosys Finacle
From pandemics to politics, we live in extraordinary times. Focusing on technology, we find that in less...
BVNK 2023 Predictions: Growth in Emerging Markets on Crypto Rails Will Shake Up the Payments Sector
2022 has been a tough year for some in the crypto sector and we’ve seen a series of high-profile...
2023 Predictions: Carta Worldwide on Banks, Financial Crime, Regulation, BNPL, and Gigification of Fintech
Banks will pounce as recession sets in The industry has never experienced a recession before and many...
Tink: 2023 Industry Trends and Predictions
1. Payments “2023 will be a year when we see accelerated change in the payments market. Over the last...
How Banking as a Service (BaaS) Unlocks Opportunity for the Banking Sector
As Banking as a Service (BaaS) nears mainstream adoption, there is a significant opportunity for banks...
Why Open Banking is Helping Progressive Financial Services Companies Grow and Prosper
Database specialist Martin Gaffney hopes the sector recognises the value that Open Banking has added and...
Are Embedded Payments the Way to Revive People’s Baskets?
In today’s fast-paced, digital-first world, it doesn’t make sense to have a mobile app without payments...
What Will 2023 Bring in the World of Digital Identity Verification?
The world of technology and everything associated with it moves quickly. Identity verification is no...
Deploying AI Strategies to Mitigate Banking and Fintech Fraud
Research shows that 43 per cent of financial services organizations expect the cost-of-living crisis to...