Latest news

Ant Financial Is Named to MIT Technology Review's Annual 50 Smartest Companies List
Mobike and Gemalto Collaborate to Bring IoT Connectivity to Bike-sharing Services Beyond China
Appian Continues Expansion in Europe with Strategic Executive Appointments
 Bank of America Merrill Lynch Is No.1 on Institutional Investor's EMEA Research Team Ranking of the Region's Best-Sell Side Analysts
TransferTo and MallforAfrica accelerate digital payments and connect Africa to the e-commerce world
Risk of Sanctions for Financial Services Organisations that Fail to Use the Three P’s for Communication, warns GMC Software
Monese Announces the European Expansion of its Award-winning Accounts
PPRO Group Launches the Most Complete Overview of APMs Available to Date
fscom Unveils Flagship RegTech Product, KYC-Pro
GoldenSource and McObject Launch Fastest RegTech EDM Solution​
 Alipay Brings Enhanced Cashless Experience for Chinese Tourists in the Principality of Monaco
MobiCash Enters South Africa's Spaza Sector
Docomo Digital Sets its Sights on the Sharing Economy
Ingenico Provides PSD2 Compliance for Online Marketplaces
Scotiabank Collabrates With Points for App Loyalty Capabilities