Advicent Reports Morningstar Integration and Client Report Updates in NaviPlan 16.2

  • Infrastructure
  • 29.08.2016 01:45 pm

Advicent and Morningstar have partnered to upgrade asset allocation classification from a returns-based methodology to holdings-based. This change comes as Morningstar and Advicent have identified an investment analysis trend shift, where holdings-based classification is currently more representative of the underlying characteristics of investment products.

“Advicent constantly strives to further improve the quality of our financial planning calculations backed by decades of financial industry experience,” said Don Breber, product director at Advicent. “The move to holdings-based asset allocation will empower advisors to provide a more forward-looking outlook for investment trends through plans that are prepared for an ever-changing financial market.”

Below are some of the enhancements you can expect in NaviPlan 16.2.

Updated holdings-based asset allocation in Morningstar integration

The holdings-based methodology, classifies holdings based on the actual company characteristics and not the price performance of the investment representing that company. Holdings-based classification has gained widespread acceptance within the investment industry and with this upgrade, NaviPlan continues to be reflective of modern investment trends.

New standalone and client reports

In addition to the asset allocation upgrade, NaviPlan 16.2 also includes several new standalone and client reports. These reports provide a different way to analyze cash flow throughout the plan, and how retirement needs impact asset growth or shrinkage throughout the entire retirement period.

Retirement Cash Flow Summary report (standalone report)

The upgrades allow advisors and their clients to track year-by-year cash flow during retirement with the Retirement Cash Flow Summary report. They can also monitor separate categories of incomes, expenses, account contribution and reinvestments allowing them to pinpoint potential problem areas or years. The Retirement Cash Flow Summary provides a simple way to find why deficits are occurring and where they are coming from.

Retirement Need and Investable Assets report (standalone and client reports)

Users can also analyze how inflows and outflows are impacting retirement assets with the Retirement Need and Investable Assets reports. The updates allow for simplified cash flow projections, and for account withdrawal/contributions to be separated by account type, asset balances, and asset type. Advisors can give clients a different way to look at retirement assets by showing them exactly where withdrawals are coming from, and when specific asset types begin to drain. This offers an opportunity to discuss account liquidation orders as a financial strategy.

Other updates to NaviPlan - U.S.

  • State tax updates
  • Client report preview button
  • Template search bar
  • Fact finder updates

Other updates to NaviPlan – Canada

  • New registered account types (Group RRSPs and Group RRSP-Spousal accounts)
  • Federal and provincial tax updates
  • Client report preview button
  • Template search bar
  • Fact finder updates

Additional resources in the Advicent Learning Center

To learn more about the shift from returns-based to holdings-based asset allocation, the methodology, and other changes in NaviPlan, visit the Advicent Learning Center for recorded versions of our NaviPlan 16.2 What’s New Webinars.

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