P2P Investor Predictions for 2023 Are Confirmed

  • Investment
  • 11.07.2023 09:30 am

Over the past year, the European P2P market has strengthened and outlined a trend towards moderate growth, as was forecasted by Robocash investors.

According to a survey conducted in 2022, 43% of platform users indicated that the market will grow moderately next year.

Since the beginning of 2023, the European P2P industry has shown an average growth of 5% MoM. 

The largest rise was observed in March (+28% against February). During the same month, all market segments grew in volume, especially property (+59%) and business (38%). “According to our data for the period from 2017 to 2021, the seasonality index in March is slightly above average. It could also be because the platforms often release financial statements for previous years in March, which encourages people to invest in one platform or the other.” - Robocash analytics comment.

For Robo.cash, March was also marked by growth in volumes. The platform showed an increase of +66% compared to February.

A noticeable decrease in the market was in April (-8% MoM). The consumer sector saw the smallest decline of 1%. Although at the same time, the month showed an increase of 13% compared to the same period in 2022. 

As the market is shaken by various macroeconomic factors, it becomes stronger and healthier, especially against the backdrop of volatile assets,” - Robocash analysts say. “Given the trend that emerged in the first 5 months of 2023, we can really count on systematic growth without a particular peak, if there are no events provoking this.”

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