'The Future Is Now' - Asia Digital Financial Summit 2021 and S.A.M. Academy Launched

  • Non-Financials
  • 01.09.2021 12:30 pm
- S.A.M. Academy officially launched on 1 September 2021
- Asia Digital Financial Summit to be held on 27 November 2021
- The Financial Commission endorses Samtrade Academy as certified educational provider, Aug 2021

The 2nd edition of the Asia Digital Financial Summit will take place on 27 November 2021. Featuring keynote speaker Tony Fernandes founder of Air Asia, and a stellar line-up of exciting speakers covering a wide range of investments, currencies and topics such as business and entrepreneurship etc, it will once again reach out to some 2 million potential attendees.

Registrations commence on 1 September 2021 via the Asia Digital Financial Summit registration link : https://promo.samtradeacademy.com/stac-adfs2021nov-en-press/.

Along with the launch of the Asia Digital Financial Summit, S.A.M. Academy will also be officially launched. S.A.M. Academy aims to be the trusted education partner for learners and investors and with a faculty of expert practitioners boasting decades of experience between them, learners are provided with solid insights coupled with practical knowledge that can be immediately applied to their careers or daily lives.

Announcing the launch of S.A.M. Academy, Mr Md. Shidiq, CEO of S.A.M. Academy, believes strongly in the company's mission to provide investors and lifelong learners the opportunity to learn from the very best in the industry and to be able to put their education into practice immediately. "Learning is best expressed in doing. That's the ultimate test of whether we have managed to not just impart theoretical knowledge about a certain subject, but a deep understanding of the ins-and-outs of how to apply their learning practically in their daily lives."

The inaugural Summit was held in June 2021 and was attended by thousands from across Asia. Renowned investor Jim Rogers, the keynote speaker, gave attendees extensive insights into the economy, markets, and a healthy reality check regarding what he sees as the short and medium-term opportunities in 2022 and beyond. Attendees gave a very enthusiastic 5-star thumbs-up to the event and many came away with new insights and useful learnings.

"Every one of our instructors and coaches are highly-experienced traders and working professionals in their respective fields who are passionate about imparting their knowledge and real-world experience to guide learners along their own learning journeys and help them to earn passive income for themselves while maintaining their current jobs."

In August this year, The Financial Commission, a leading independent member-driven external dispute resolution (EDR) organization for international online brokerages that participate in global foreign exchange (forex), CFDs, derivatives, and cryptocurrency markets, declared Samtrade Academy as a certified educational provider following a thorough review of the extensive educational content Samtrade Academy offers. This ensures that users who receive such content have access to accurate educational materials. Samtrade Academy is an affiliate and also the full-fledged financial educational arm of S.A.M. Academy (Reference: https://bit.ly/3zyoBl9)

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