findexable Calls for Fintechs Worldwide to Take Part in a Brand New Diversity Study

  • Data
  • 09.03.2021 05:40 pm
findexable, today announces the opening of its Fintech Diversity Radar, the world’s first global platform to gather progressive data to understand women’s impact and contribution to the digital economy and is calling for fintechs across the globe to take part.

The Fintech Diversity Radar strives to benchmark and assess the role of diversity – starting with women – in fintech companies around the globe. The initiative will culminate in the release of a real-time data report, which will continually track progress and findexable will suggest steps for meaningful change.

Why a Fintech Diversity Radar? Research shows that companies with a diverse workforce outperform their peers financially and are better placed to meet customer needs. Despite this, fintechs struggle to perform well on diversity due to many factors: attracting and retaining talent, a lack of resources to invest in diversity initiatives and no up-to-date data to reflect diversity disparities.

The Fintech Diversity Radar aims to help fintechs improve diversity agendas by helping to track company performance, compare with other companies, and help develop targets and programs. It will:

  • Map the global fintech landscape to identify how and where women are employed and assess progress;
  • Advance the employment of women in fintech by identifying practical actions to improve gender balance;
  • Build a roadmap for the advancement of female entrepreneurship in advanced and high growth markets;
  • Identify the cause and effect of success in serving female customers;
  • Highlight which countries, regions and firms are outperforming and analyse the reasons for their success.

Denise Gee, Founder and Managing Director of findexable, commented: “Gender diversity makes business sense – a more diverse workforce equals more success and improvement is predicated on the ability to measure and track performance. For fintech’s benefits to spread evenly across societies, we need data that is relevant, up-to-date, and validated, which is why we have launched the Diversity Radar. We urge everyone in our industry to ‘Choose to Challenge’ and collaborate in building a progressive, diverse industry.”

The launch of the Radar comes with industry support from sponsors Global Processing Services, Chargebacks 911, Fi911 and founding partners Center for Financial Inclusion at Accion, Financial Alliance for Women, Finetch4Good, Northeastern University, Fintech Mundi, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, SkyParlour and Systemic Logic Group.

“What gets measured, gets done. It is about ensuring women in tech is not just an ongoing call to action, but a reality,” says Audrey Mothupi, CEO of SystemicLogic.

findexable invites all privately owned fintech firms to participate in this fully anonymised survey and benefit from the findings outlined in a complimentary data-led report set to launch in August. The call goes out to everyone in the industry irrespective of gender.

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