Tandem Bank customer service ratings at an all time high despite COVID-19 crisis

  • Covid-19 , Banking
  • 20.05.2020 04:17 pm

Amid the current coronavirus crisis, many businesses are seeing an enormous increase in demand for their customer services. Tandem Bank is currently receiving record levels of contacts, yet despite this the business is very proud to announce its customer satisfaction scores have risen to their highest ever level at over 93 per cent.

The growth in customer satisfaction came despite the disruption caused by the majority of Tandem’s team moving to remote working. Tandem’s people team were quick to respond by providing all the equipment, collateral and communication channels to ensure effective remote working together with an extensive staff wellbeing programme including everything from ‘Lunch and Learn’ sessions, weekly virtual socials and ongoing mental health support.

Part of the reason for this customer satisfaction success was also the decision taken by Tandem to provide personalised plans for those customers who have been financially impacted by the virus, while continuing to provide the same excellent care that customers have come to expect from the bank. Tandem has always been focussed on its USP of building the Good Bank and believes this innovative and flexible response to the crisis is a great example of it meeting this more human goal.

Dan Atkinson, Chief People Officer, says, "We knew that Tandem always had the ability to work in any situation, but no-one expected that we'd be facing a global pandemic and full lockdown. These customer satisfaction scores are a testament to the incredible team we have working behind the scenes. I'm enormously proud of the way they have stepped up in the midst of all this uncertainty and kept our customers front of mind."

Tandem Chief Operating Officer Nick Bennett says, “We’ve always been driven by excellence and the desire to make sure we’re providing real solutions to people’s money problems. During this pandemic we’ve found those problems to be varied across our customer base so have taken the decision to review each case individually and provide a bespoke response for each, rather than a blanket solution that may not be suitable for all. I am incredibly proud of the way the team has responded to both remote working, the increase in demand and the expectation for continued excellent customer service. It’s been a pleasure to see the determination and drive across the team to achieve our purpose.”

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