Athlon Launches Data Visualization Solution

  • Infrastructure
  • 27.01.2016 02:00 pm
Digital design and technology agency Athlon has announced the launch of a new data visualisation platform that displays the results of the Investec Mid-Market 100 survey. This is Investec’s third survey on the 100 fastest-growing mid-market private companies in the UK since its launch in November 2014: Athlon’s map provides an interactive visualisation of the detailed financial information from the survey.
Investec tasked Athlon with creating an online method of visualising the data generated by the survey, which was produced in conjunction with Experian, and which for the first time they wanted integrated into the Investec website. 
Athlon was responsible for the design and build of the map experience, which sits inside a page on Investec’s website. The interactive map is hosted at, and it presents the company’s performance information in a way that is easy to understand and analyse.
By creating a single user experience – a map with filters – Athlon gives any user the ability to explore the data in multiple ways (e.g. by sector, region, or performance), making it a more relevant and immersive experience. The map will remain live until it is updated with the next survey in June 2016.
“At Investec, we’re committed to supporting mid-market companies and entrepreneurs so our Mid-Market 100 survey is a crucial tool for demonstrating our specialisms,” explained Ed Cottrell, Head of Corporate Lending at Investec. “We needed the survey results to be presented in a simple and easy-to-digest format that also allowed for further interrogation. Athlon has created a neat and intuitive solution that not only lets corporates understand the results of the new survey but which also provides an immersive and interactive experience, bringing the data to life.”  
“All too often, complex financial information is delivered in static white papers or fixed graphs,” commented Daniel Henderson, Client Partner at Athlon. “With a little bit of imagination and good UX, however, more than graphs can be delivered, whereby it is possible not only to present data but also to explore it.”
Facing tight deadlines, Athlon took an agile approach to meeting the deliverables, focusing on the priorities and delivering as much as possible for launch. Technically, the most complex part of the project was working with Investec to agree and fix the survey data from Experian.
“Our objective was to create a map that would let users view the data how they wish, making it relevant and convenient for them,” Henderson added. “For the financial industry – in fact for any businesses that have to communicate a lot of complex information – digital is an ideal means for exploring and tailoring, and not just sharing, content.”

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