ESMA sheds light on OTC trade reporting under No-Deal

  • Anne Plested, Regulatory Expert at Fidessa

  • 11.03.2019 10:45 am
  • undisclosed , Anne heads up the regulation change programme for Fidessa in Europe. Since joining the firm in 2009 she has played a significant role in the establishment of the Fidessa Regulation Team, monitoring and evaluating the regulatory environment and working on the impact analysis of MiFID II and other major EU regulatory changes running in parallel.

ESMA has released a statement which amongst other things includes clarification for EU investment firms that they will have to publish their OTC trades via an EU APA if a UK counterparty is involved. Whilst in Europe this approach may serve to ensure post-trade transparency within the EU27, it is also true that the UK counterparty could be required to publish that trade to a UK APA. This sounds to me like a recipe for a return to the problem of OTC duplicate reporting, despite MiFID II’s decade in the making efforts to improve on that situation. 

In case of a no-deal Brexit UK firms will become third country counterparties when facing the EU, and with no equivalence granted pan-European participants may end up shedding a bit too much light on OTC volumes.


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