BuySellHODL Unveils First of Its Kind Cryptocurrency Ratings & Price Targets

  • Cryptocurrencies , Infrastructure
  • 19.02.2019 05:29 am

Newly launched cryptocurrency app BuySellHODL has announced the launch of its proprietary crypto ratings and price target feature, with Bitcoin as the initial coin rating launch. The rating feature is currently free and the first of its kind in the crypto space. It gives users real-time ratings and price target data that is entirely quantitative, creating an invaluable analysis tool for beginners and experts alike.

Bitcoin Rating & Price Target

Bitcoin has earned a "Buy" rating with a 12-month price target of $6,662.29. The ratings distribution breaks down as follows: 60 percent Buy, 22 percent HODL, and 19 percent sell.

The app regularly queries its users for their opinions on the overall state of the market, Bitcoin, and the value associated with other top cryptocurrencies. This data is accounted for as part of a proprietary formula that is then used to generate the ratings and price targets. This information is published and updated hourly on the BuySellHODL website as well as the Ratings tab on our Android and iPhone apps.

Unique Aspects of the BuySellHODL Crypto Ratings:

  • Real-Time Data – Price targets are updated by the minute. Ratings are updated daily. 
  • Quantitative Information – A proprietary formula that generates ratings and targets. 
  • Sentiment Analysis – Easy to see Bitcoin trends and critical shifts in community opinion. 
  • Universal Availability – Access crypto ratings on the website and our  Android and iPhone apps.

BuySellHODL Founder Clifford Lerner stated,

"There is a severe lack of compelling data and real-time analysis on cryptocurrencies. Our app addresses these shortcomings head-on, by providing the first of its kind cryptocurrency content. By querying our community of users, we're able to create fresh, real-time, and unbiased cryptocurrency ratings and price target data, while eliminating the inherent shortcomings and biases of qualitative ratings data that give little insights into the trends."

"Furthermore, our unique methods of generating the coin ratings and price targets enables us to provide differentiated data and analysis regarding the sentiment trends for each coin and the overall cryptocurrency market. We will be publishing the historical data for the top cryptocurrencies and overall market, making the BuySellHODL data a must-have tool for all crypto followers. In terms of the data, enthusiasts remain optimistic despite the current bear-market. More than half of the users (53 percent) currently say to 'Buy,' cryptocurrencies, compared to 21 percent saying 'HODL' and only 26 percent saying 'Sell,' and it will be interesting to see how this trends over time."


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