SunGard launches investor financial planning apps through Windows Store

  • Infrastructure
  • 21.09.2015 01:00 am

SunGard, in collaboration with Microsoft Corp., has launched a series of five financial planning applications, available through Windows Store, to help individuals improve their ability to reach their financial and retirement savings goals. The tools run quick assessments of an investor’s position to achieve their retirement objectives, show strategies to improve retirement funding, and illustrate fundamental financial planning preparedness.

The results help individuals quickly visualize their financial situation and determine if he or she wants to consult an advisor for further financial planning assistance. Wealth management and advisory firms can also use these tools to prospect or engage existing clients through multiple flexible deployment methods such as:

  • Permission-based client access through SunGard’s WealthStation Financial Planning solution, offering parallel points of reference when the advisor and the client or prospect meet
  • From an external-facing website or a client portal, with the option to customize the user experience
  • A white-labeled application from Windows Store, downloaded to a tablet, smartphone or computer, including via Microsoft Office

“Providing financial planning apps through Windows Store expands the reach of these types of tools to more individuals, helping them become more educated and engaged in saving for their retirement. People want something more than a calculator — a way for those calculations to be meaningful to them, and provide continuity with advice.” – Andrew Tognela, Managing Director - Banking & Capital Markets at Microsoft

“Although it may seem counter-intuitive to some advisors, offering self-service tools can help advisors acquire new clients and strengthen their relationships with existing clients. These tools provide a very simple yet valuable solution to prospects or clients, enticing them to regularly assess their financial goals and performance, engage in a more detailed and meaningful discussion and analysis, as well as identify the need for additional services.” – Scott Parry, executive vice president & general manager, SunGard’s wealth & retirement business

Based on tools available through SunGard’s WealthStation Financial Planning and specially enhanced for the investor community, SunGard is now offering the following tools through Windows Store:

  • Social Security Optimizer:  Evaluates the optimal time to file for Social Security benefits
  • Risk Tolerance Questionnaire:  Helps determine an appropriate asset allocation based on risk tolerance
  • Sustainable Retirement Income:  Assesses how much can be safely withdrawn from assets each year during retirement
  • Earnings Potential:  Illustrates earning potential between now and retirement
  • Tax Efficient Drawdown:  Displays three tax-efficient ways to balance withdrawals from tax-deferred, taxable and Roth accounts during retirement

71% of investors say access to online or digital investing tools is very or somewhat important to them. Nearly two in three investors say they prefer to get financial advice from both sources [digital and human advisors], including 39% who want advice to come mostly from advisers and 26% who want it to come mostly from digital tools. – “U.S. Investors Prefer Mix of Human, Digital Financial Advice”, June 29, 2015 -

Windows 10 enhances the experience:

  • Touch functionality: brings the benefits of touch to a range of devices
  • App expansion:  sets the stage to run your favorite phone apps on your PC
  • Reduce computer sprawl:  merging of the tablet and the laptop/desktop

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