Australian FinTech Launches FinTech Jobs Platform

  • FinTech StartUps
  • 17.08.2017 08:30 am

The team behind the highly successful Australian FinTech website have soft-launched their FinTech employment marketplace platform, Australian FinTech Jobs.

Founder and CEO, Cameron Dart, says has been born on the back of the highly successful Australian FinTech website and growing demand from the local FinTech community to have a dedicated employment platform for the sector. is Australia’s only dedicated platform for FinTech companies and Recruiters to promote FinTech, financial technology, financial services, banking, legal and IT employment opportunities in Australia.

“Australian FinTech have built a new jobs startup for fintechs and startups
about startups, fintechs and jobs”

“When people think of ‘FinTech’ in relation to employment, they might initially think of just ‘finance’ or just ‘technology’ jobs,” Dart says, adding, “but it’s much bigger and broader than that. In addition to the obvious finance and tech roles, there’s multiple subsectors of those industries, as well as typical roles for any business like marketing, legal and compliance, accounting, HR, front office and back office opportunities.”

The Australian FinTech CEO, recently named by as one of the Top 25 Influencers in FinTech in Australia, continues, “And on top of all that there’s CEO’s, CIO’s, COO’s and numerous experts required in various fields like FX, share trading, blockchain and cryptocurrency, just to name a few.”

Dart spoke to many Founders and CEO’s of FinTech companies, from startups to ASX-listed companies alike. “We found there was a gap in the market for a dedicated employment site like this. These FinTech leaders informed me that they were sick of their adverts getting lost on huge employment sites. On the flipside, others mentioned that 200 to 300 people would apply for one role, most of them completely unqualified. I was also told that a plumber applied for one job saying ‘yeah I could be a programmer’.”

Each month, has more than 13,000 unique users visit their site to read about all things FinTech in Australia, to learn about FinTech products and services, and to check out more than 500 FinTech companies listed on the site’s Directory.

Founder and CTO, Rob James, says “With the volume of quality readers on, we now have a targeted audience for FinTech employers and recruitment companies to promote to. Between our website, newsletter and social media followers, we have the who’s who of the FinTech industry here and abroad, as well as Big Four Bank CEO’s, government MP’s, investors, VC’s, Accountants, Lawyers, Financial Planners, Investment Bankers and those on the peripheral of the FinTech industry, as well as university students and the general public.”

Dart continues, “For this type of niche industry, we believe - and market research has told us - that a dedicated platform is much better than a ‘scatter gun’ approach like larger employment websites.”

Thousands of people are visiting Australian FinTech each week to learn more and read about FinTech in Australia - now they have an opportunity to end up working in the industry, if they’re not already.

The Australian FinTech Jobs site is clutter-free and easy to use with great tracking features for both employers and employees alike. It’s free to register and the job listings are substantially less than others and can be listed for twice as long, representing excellent value for money for start-ups and established FinTechs alike. ‘FinTech’ has disrupted the financial industry and now Australian FinTech is disrupting the employment advertising industry.

Cameron Dart and Rob James have had a busy 2017 with the launch of their global FinTech site,, now the Australian FinTech Jobs platform and the obvious success of their flagship site, Australian FinTech.

Are they going to rest now?

“No, we’re only just getting started. Like the old saying - ‘but wait there’s more’ - yes there will be more to come, but you’ll have to wait and see next year!”

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