Online payments in the dating industry

- Sandra Wróbel-Konior, Content Marketing Specialist at SecurionPay
- 02.03.2017 10:45 am undisclosed , Content Marketing Specialist with a tech-savvy personality, experience in writing and passion for reading. Staying up to date with the latest social media trends, in love with GIFs.
The online dating market is ready for changes, but dating business owners need to understand that delivering simplified payments has a positive impact on user retention. It’s about providing the best customer experience to ensure that dating service is as easy to use as possible.
Each year millions of people turn to the web in search of their perfect match. In the UK, 7 million people were using online dating in 2016 and in the US 15% of people have used dating websites or apps. In the following years, the trend is going to rise.
Love seekers choose between free and paid dating sites. Why some of them choose paid ones? In short, free dating sites usually come with lower quality, because they’re open to everyone. It’s assumed that people who pay for using a dating website are more serious about finding their significant other.
When you want to accept payments on your dating website, you need to consider lots of things. It could be time-consuming to find the best solution for your business, but it’s worth it.
Offering easy-to-use payments without redirection and with simplified user flow can increase conversion on your site.
Merchant Category Code
One of the most important things you should know is that you’ll fall under the Merchant Category Code (MCC). Different category types have a higher or lower impact on payments and conversion rate on your dating site.
The MCC is provided by Card Associations but you need to know that it is the acquirer that decides which type is proper for your business model.
How is a dating business usually categorized? And what matters most when you, as a dating business owner, want to accept online payments?
This article originally appeared on