Financial IT February Issue 2017
- 16 Feb, 2017 02:00 am
This edition of Financial IT, the first for 2017, is one of the most important that we have ever produced. Yet again, the articles and interviews that are included cover a huge variety of topics that are relevant to the intersection of financial services with IT.
As ever, the topics reflect the interests of the author, the interviewee or the sponsoring organization. Technology companies, and their representatives, generally focus on their products and the forces that are prevailing in the particular markets that they serve. Banks tend to focus on more strategic issues, such as the impact of regulation, the impact of the Cloud or what financial institutions are likely to look like in five years time.
"Bridging the gap" by Pamela Pecs Cytron, the Founder and CEO of Pendo Systems Inc.
"Helping banks with the omni-channel approach", an interview with Katherine Kostereva, CEO and Managing Partner of bpm’online
Innovation corner
"Reinventing Banking software", an interview with Angelique Schouten, CEO at Ohpen UK
"How K&H Bank made BIg Data meaningful " by Balazs Gati, Head of Department at K&H Bank Zrt
Featured Stories
Digitisation will help delete the fraudsters from the trade finance system
Digital Transformation: Farewel to the traditional bank branch?
Achieving Digital Transformation in Banking
Uncertain times call for sophisticated analysis and the adoption of a smart risk culture
2017 – Prepare for another roller-coaster ride
Running at the Speed of Data – real-time use cases that get banks moving
The next stage of the technological evolution for the financial industry