BPC AG shares the UN Global Compact strategy 2030

  • Infrastructure
  • 14.02.2017 10:15 am

BPC AG, the Swiss HQ of BPC Banking Technologies company, is pleased to announce to become a member of UN Global Compact Foundation, which aim is to help responsible business usher in an era of peace and prosperity on a healthy planet.

BPC AG supports all principles of the UN Global Compact on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. With the company’s approach that could be formulated as “thinking global, act local” is fully compliant with the UN Global Compact strategy. Being a member UN Global Compact for BPC AG is to share the vision on social responsibility of business on a global scale, to create a sustainable world, and to outline new markets and opportunities for companies all over the world.

To succeed, all businesses must turn the global goals into local business. The UN Global Compact is committed to be a leading catalyst of that transformation. Recently at the meeting of all Local Networks, the new UN Global Compact Strategy 2020 was launched. This strategy will bring forward the UN Global Compact’s vision to “Mobilize a global movement of responsible companies and organizations to create the world we want”. As of today the network unites 139 members worldwide.

“We are committed to making the Global Compact and its principles part of the strategy, culture and daily operations of our company and to form joint projects targeting to develop sustainability and transparency on our markets. BPC is happy to be part of such an important mission under the UN conduct”, says Vasily Volynskiy, Member of the Board of Directors, BPC AG.

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