Latest news

Financial Frontiers Crossed: Transfer Galaxy and Intergiro Forge Alliance to Reshape Global Remittances
Hawk AI Welcomes OTTO Payments as a Customer of Scalable AML Compliance Software
SellersFi Closes Credit Facility up to $300M with Citi and Fasanara Capital
Fiat Republic Raises $7 Million in Seed Extension
Mintos Launches Personalised ETF Portfolios for Retail Investors
Visa Expands Fintech Fast Track to Drive the Next Generation of Money Movement
Organisations Without Cyber Insurance Report Incident Costs 69% Higher Than Those That Do, Finds S-RM
Davy Capital Markets Successfully Deploys Torstone Post Trade Solution
Fingerprints Supports Thales’s Fourth-Generation Biometric Payment Card
JCB Extends Collaboration with Worldpay from FIS for Largest Contactless Deployment in the UK
EIB Signs Up to €35Million Loan Agreement with Exeger for Scale-up of Cutting-edge Solar Cell technology
Manaos and ESG Book Partner to Empower Investors with Transparent Sustainability Data
OIF Ventures Backs Payble’s Growth with $3.5m Investment
Worldline Authorized to Operate as a PagoBANCOMAT® Centro Applicativo Acquiring in Italy