Latest news

TransferGo Selects Thought Machine to Drive Global Expansion
Copper Integrates Avalanche to Bolster Institutional-Grade Storage and Trading Security for AVAX
Insurance Customers in France Are Increasingly Favouring Digital Services When Interacting With Their Insurer
IDnow and M-TRIBES Offer Mobility Solutions with AI-Based Digital Identification
Grupo Xcaret Integrates Worldline’s Chatbot Solution to Enhance Customer Experience
First New York Chooses Eventus Systems for Trade Surveillance
SanMar Digitizes Its Financial Supply Chain with Infor to Drive Growth
Skilling Drops Overnight Fees on Stock Trades and Adds New Stocks
Lead Bank Taps Finzly’s Award-Winning Payment Hub to Modernize Its Payment Capabilities
Utimaco Announces Anchor, Its Next Generation High Performance HSM Platform
Payment Fraud Prevention App from NetGuardians Sees Success on Finastra’s
ClauseMatch Launches Policy Portal
JCB Expands Global Ecommerce and JCB Contactless Enablement across Europe with Worldline
Nixu renews its operating model to increase client centricity and transfers to international business units
Bankdata and Nordic API Gateway Partner to Empower 9 Banks with Open Banking