New B2Core Update is Live: Event Notifications, Detailed cTrader Data and Telegram with Integration

  • Trading Systems
  • 29.05.2023 01:20 pm

When it comes to customer relationship management software, B2Core is the gold standard. The company just announced a new set of improvements that would drastically improve the efficiency of operations for financial companies. A series of four new features added to B2Core bring a host of new features to give brokers and exchanges an edge over their competitors.

Let's find out more about each of these intriguing features.

Feature #1: New Event Notifications Module

B2Core's first and most interesting new feature is a sophisticated Event Notification module, which gives admin users unprecedented control over notification settings. Administrators can customize event notifications by selecting from a wide variety of 27 different options, such as withdrawal requests, successful registrations, and more. 

Administrators are alerted instantly via push notifications whenever an incident occurs, allowing them to respond appropriately and quickly. Additionally, multiple admin users can be added in the "Users" section to receive specific notifications, which encourages teamwork and keeps everyone in the loop. Conveniently, you may get event alerts by email, SMS, Slack, or by the recently added Telegram. 

The "System-Templates" tab makes it simple for admins to set up their favorite channels. All the alerts for the user can be found in the user card, making it easy to always have the most up-to-date information at your fingertips.

For further details, consult the official B2Core documentation page for more information on the Event Notifications module. You can also access the How-To Guide and the References page to get a better understanding of the new functionality.

Feature #2: Seamless Telegram Integration

Another exciting and much-needed feature is the integration with the Telegram messaging app. To start receiving Telegram notifications, users need to link their Telegram chat ID with their B2Core Back Office account, which will allow instantaneous delivery of relevant information. You can do this in the admin's card under System — Users — Edit user.

Within the B2Core platform, customers can easily configure Telegram notifications by creating customized notification templates in the System — Templates — Telegram section. Telegram's event alerts help clients of B2Core be more responsive and make better decisions. 

You can get more detailed instructions on how to install Telegram templates and bots, as well as how to locate your unique chat ID with the official documentation by B2Core.

Feature #3: Advanced cTrader Data

The next feature is access to more advanced cTrader data, including detailed trading insights and analytic tools. Indicators, such as Equity, Balance, Leverage, Credit, and Free funds, are now available to traders, giving them a complete picture of their accounts. 

The improved understanding and decision-making capabilities resulting from these insights will be highly beneficial to traders. The platform also includes graphical interfaces for visualizing stock indicators over time, giving cTrader account users a new way to examine trends and performance over varying time intervals. 

Moreover, traders can now access real-time data on user orders, open positions, executed trades, and more in one convenient location, allowing them to fine-tune their strategies and reach their full potential.

Feature #4: Streamlined Bulk Deposit Functionality

Last but not least, B2Core has added the bulk deposit feature for customer accounts. The new tool lets admins perform bulk deposit operations by just uploading a CSV file — containing Email, ID, and precise amount of funds — to the "Update Balances" window within the "Accounts" section.

This improved functionality helps brokers and financial institutions save time and avoid different mistakes. Streamlined bulk deposits will help brokers to devote more time to strategic projects and provide superior service to their clients.

Final Verdict

B2Core's latest update marks a significant milestone in the evolution of CRM solutions for brokers and exchanges. By introducing Enhanced Event Notifications, Seamless Telegram Integration, Advanced cTrader Data Insights, and Streamlined Bulk Deposit Functionality, B2Core solidifies its position as the preferred choice for industry professionals worldwide. 

Keep up with the latest news as B2Core transforms CRM for the finance industry!

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