Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen Relies on iQbonds 4.3

  • Trading Systems
  • 29.11.2016 01:15 pm

Trusted and reliable partnership: After more than 3 years of strong cooperation, Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen (Helaba) has decided to increase their selection of services from the icubic AG portfolio by adding iQbonds 4.3.

  • New: Smart trading strategy based on intelligent technologies
  • Expanded: Safe and secure trading through increased monitoring mechanisms​
  • MiFID II: Standardised integration and fulfilment of regulatory requirements

Following the most recent deals with NORD/LB and Erste Group Bank, Helaba has now also chosen to rely on iQbonds and the expertise of the Magdeburg software professionals. “The uncomplicated and professional project management suits our needs perfectly. We consistently receive excellent support and have been able to successfully complete all projects within the predetermined time and cost framework”, explains Thomas Weidmann, Head of Fixed Income Trading at Helaba. Along with the flexible and clear contract terms, in which supplementary mandatory updates are covered under the maintenance agreement, the short implementation times as well as customised and innovative customer adaptations motivated a speedy release upgrade to the new iQbonds Version 4.3. 

iQbonds is the top seller in the icubic AG product portfolio and offers traders in investment banking fast access to a v ariety of markets, exchanges and information platforms including Reuters, Bloomberg, Market Axess and MTS. In addition, the iQbonds 4.3 newest release enables the comprehensive creation and execution of smart trading strategies, includes all traditional measures for safe and secure trading and fulfils all necessary regulatory requirements specified in MiFID-II, MiFIR, Basel and BaFin-RS – all in one intelligent complete solution. “The business relationship with the Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen once again demonstrates the value of one-source delivery of intelligent software products”, emphasizes icubic Chairman of the Board, Dietmar Jakal.

The Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen, with head offices in Frankfurt am Main and Erfurt, has approximately 200 billion euros in business volume and 6,100 employees. The bank provides financial services for large companies, savings bank associations, private clients and medium-sized ent erprises as well as for the public development and infrastructure sectors. Helaba is represented globally with subsidiaries and representative offices in Paris, London, Madrid, Stockholm, Moscow, Shanghai, Singapore und New York.

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