Jumio Helps Cityscoot to Provide Users with Easy, Safe and Secure ID Verification

  • Security , Authentication Technology
  • 28.07.2016 10:00 am

Jumio, Corp. the leader in digital ID verification today announced Cityscoot, the mobile scooter sharing network in Paris, is getting Parisians moving by allowing users to instantly hire and drive its fleet of scooters.

Cityscoot is solving the problem of congested Paris driving and parking by providing a fleet of easy to find, rent, ride and park scooters. Using the Cityscoot app, registered users can geolocate their nearest scooter, and using a four digit unlocking code, hire the scooter, take it where they need to in the city and leave it where they want.

In order to scale and automate tens of thousands of transactions from launch, Cityscoot looked to Jumio. To use the system, customers verify and authenticate their identity using Jumio’s Netverify™ computer vision technology providing a seamless and secure method to accurately authenticate the identity of Cityscoot users.

Netverify Mobile uses a variety of checks to ensure an ID is legitimate and hasn’t been manipulated, and in cases where a transaction requires an additional authentication layer, Face Match with liveness detection technology can be enabled. The Face Match technology checks for liveness by detecting small movements, ensuring that a static image isn’t being used, and then compares the customer’s face with the photo on their ID to produce a likelihood-of-match score. Validation and Face Matching happens on average in under 90 seconds and has given Cityscoot the high level of security they need to ensure that their fleet isn’t stolen or damaged by fraudulent users.

With this in place, Cityscoot can allow users to rent their scooters, secure in the knowledge that they are who they say they are.

Bertrand  Fleurose, CEO and Founder of Cityscoot said:  “Our model is based on two principles-- no charging stations to take and return the scooters or physical agencies to register and rent. Everything is done through the application and website in a simple, fluid and fast path, to ensure a seamless and easy to use process. Jumio met all our expectations, allowing us to verify the users identity with Face Match while ensuring compliance of foreign documents Jumio is a trusted third-party necessary to prevent errors and a decisive business strategy to accelerate the sales process.”

Robert Prigge, Chief Revenue Officer of Jumio said“This fantastic collaboration shows the power of Netverify to quickly and accurately verify a user’s ID, no matter where they are. Cityscoot’s need was not just authentication, but also, facial recognition, one they knew only Jumio could solve. With plans in place to expand, we are pleased to be part of this popular and fast growing new service.”

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