Smart City and Blockchain Venture Between Interbit™ and Xinova Progresses

  • Platform Technology
  • 22.07.2019 09:12 am

Interbit is pleased to announce progress with the CitizenOS Project (“the Venture”) which plans to bring smart technologies to cities worldwide. Interbit’s multi-blockchain architecture will provide the ability to handle the huge amount of data that will be generated and is expected to serve as the software platform upon which the CitizenOS Project will provide new infrastructure and the latest Interbit of Things (IoT) technology solutions to cities and state groups.

The Venture is currently in ongoing discussions with a number of other groups and cities in Asia, Europe and the United States and has signed its first customer by entering into a letter of intent with Tomo Spaces, owner of the River Market, located in New Westminster, British Colombia, Canada. The collaboration with Tomo Spaces will take the form of a pilot that involving data analysis and the latest sensor technology. Launch of this project is subject to more definitive documentation between the Venture and Tomo, which the parties are currently working towards.

Mark Shieh, Director of Tomo, said:

“Our team is excited to work with CitizenOS. These new tools will enable us to see in depth how people use River Market as a community hub. This new way of understanding social interactions will help us cultivate more vibrant places.”

Chal Davidson, Venture Manager for Xinova, said:

“As we develop the technical solutions that will deploy the CitizenOS Project at large scale, it is important to demonstrate value and operating principles in a more managed smaller environment first. Partnering with Tomo in respect to its River Market will be a wonderful opportunity for us. River Market is a microcosm of a city and provides a controlled environment for our technology as we learn to help cities understand how communities develop and make better decisions with their citizens.”

Scott Maxwell, COO of Interbit, added:

“Projects, such as the one proposed with Tomo, will allow the Company to receive the feedback and performance metrics it requires to advance its development of the Interbit platform.”


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