WeWork Starts Acepting Payment in Select Cryptocurrencies

  • Payments , Cryptocurrencies
  • 21.04.2021 12:45 pm

Attributable to Richard Harrison, VP of Global Partners at PPRO:

With cryptocurrencies being accepted for the purchase of everything from cars to vacations and now flexible office space, digital coins are clearly entering the mainstream. However, payment preferences around the globe are becoming increasingly fragmented. Hundreds of local payment methods have been designed or evolved to meet the needs, habits, and infrastructure of local economies. Because cryptocurrencies use a virtual, globally distributed real-time ledger, blockchain transactions promise quicker transactions for businesses of all sizes anywhere in the world."

"Consumers everywhere are looking for easier ways to access their money and simple, secure ways to make day-to-day transactions – from any device and any location. As the most established of the cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin has the potential of being just that. It is in a brand’s best interest to offer a blend of different payment methods that address various needs of global shoppers, or else they risk losing out on sales. In 2021 and beyond, cryptocurrency will no longer be a murky, mysterious word. The same demand that propelled online retail is driving digital payments. Record-breaking increases in global digital commerce rates prove that offering various payment methods at checkout is no longer a “nice-to-have.” And merchants need to start adapting accordingly.”

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