Seamless Makes SEQR Contactless Using NFC Technology

  • Payments
  • 12.07.2016 10:45 am

Nasdaq Stockholm-listed Seamless mobile payment solution SEQR is launching contactless payments in Sweden using NFC technology (Near Field Communication). Contactless makes it possible to pay with SEQR at point of sale (POS) terminals that support NFC which is featured on almost all modern terminals, Consequently it is now possible to pay with SEQR in any store that supports the functionality in Sweden or abroad,  even if a retailer has no private agreement with SEQR.

SEQR Contactless is a borderless solution so users will be able to complete transactions in any country they are travelling in at any of the 30 million+ contactless card terminals worldwide, regardless as to whether SEQR is available for download in that country.

SEQR’s contactless solution is now live, with the functionality being available first in Sweden. The roll out is on an invitational basis where the most frequent users of SEQR will get the technology first.

“Now SEQR customers will be able to pay using SEQR in any store which has NFC payment terminals. This offers our customers the chance to use SEQR in many, many more places and countries than today. Naturally this will drive a significant increase in use of SEQR from our existing customers, but we also anticipate large demand for SEQR from new customers eager to benefit from this new technology” says Peter Fredell, CEO of Seamless.

Later in the Autumn Seamless’s SEQR contactless payment functionality is going to be released to users globally, on devices running the Android operating system.

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