Banca Comerciala Romana launched the instant payment service with support from Allevo

  • Payments , Banking
  • 30.01.2020 12:50 pm

Banca Comerciala Romana (BCR) has joined the Instant Payments service offered by TransFond, with Allevo support. The service ensures the transfer of money between banks in less than 10 seconds, the maximum accepted value of a payment being 50,000 romanian lei. Such payment can be made at any time (24/7/365) between the clients of the banks participating in the Instant Payments service.

 Banca Comerciala Romana has selected the FinTP-Instant solution from Allevo, which connects to the Instant Payment service, ensuring the processing of payment messages within the parameters established by the scheme. FinTP-Instant is a feature of the FinTP application, an open source distributed application.

"From the beginning the project was very complex and represented a challenge for our team. In designing the solution we took into consideration that Banca Comerciala Romana is one of the banks that have the highest volumes of payments in romanian lei, and the requirements of the service offered by TransFonD impose strict performance and availability parameters. The solution implemented at BCR ensures the processing of all types of messages provided in the SCT Instant schema. We are delighted that the project has been successfully completed and that we have contributed to the product launched to BCR customers, who can send money in 10 seconds to their friends or beneficiary companies. ”- says Sorina Bera, General Manager of Allevo.

”Cererea consumatorilor pentru plăți în timp real, din contul personal către orice cont din România, este în creștere, iar infrastructura de plăți instant ne permite să conectăm toate conturile bancare din țară, în condițiile în care toate băncile locale vor adera la acest serviciu.

Credem în platforme deschise și, prin această implementare, reușim să punem la dispoziția clienților un ecosistem complet de plăți în George, care cuprinde toate posibilitățile de plăți disponibile în piață (plăți instant, plăți utilități, plăți către trezorerie, plăți prin scanare QR code, plăți internaționale, plăți SEPA, George Pay/NFC Android, Apple Pay – in app provisioning)”, a declarat Marian Ignat, Director Executiv Digital Banking BCR.


Consumers demand for real-time payments, from their personal account to any account in Romania, is increasing, and the instant payment infrastructure allows us to connect all the bank accounts in the country, under the condition that all local banks will adhere to this service.

We believe in open platforms and, through this implementation, we manage to make available to customers a complete payment ecosystem in George, which includes all the possibilities of payments available in the market (instant payments, utility payments, payments to the treasury, payments by scanning QR code, international payments, SEPA payments, George Pay / NFC Android, Apple Pay - in app provisioning)", said Marian Ignat, Executive Director of Digital Banking BCR.

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